Name : Filipe
ALIAS : Apollyon
D.o.B : 1991
Residence : Portugal
Summary : Metalhead for over 15 years, former Death Metal vocalist turned into Voice Talent. Founded and managed an online radio station promoting Metal music, events, releases, etc, for 8 years.
Loves : Music, as a whole... not just Metal, musical instruments and studio equipment, beer and most sorts of alcoholic beverages, talking, reading and inventing characters as well as playing videogames.
Hates : The human race (we are self destructive, selfish, lazy and greedy), most modern music (and most modern things actually), technological errors.
Biography : Since I was a child i've always loved reading, writing and overall having words around me. Not only did I love it, I was actually pretty good at it too... Unfortunately due to the fact that you can't choose your family, I was born into a family that doesn't necessarily understand the entertainment world so during my adolescence I was lost and dropped off school to get into an electricity vocational course. Big mistake as I nowadays do not perform that profession and would very much prefer an education in literature or something else that would allow me to make a living off the things I mentioned previously. So I decided to create the Maze of Thoughts and invite three people to join me so that we'd get different perspectives and multiple subjects.