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Name : Filipe
ALIAS : Apollyon
D.o.B : 1991
Residence : Portugal


Summary : Metalhead for over 15 years, former Death Metal vocalist turned into Voice Talent. Founded and managed an online radio station promoting Metal music, events, releases, etc, for 8 years.


Loves : Music, as a whole... not just Metal, musical instruments and studio equipment, beer and most sorts of alcoholic beverages, talking, reading and inventing characters as well as playing videogames.

Hates : The human race (we are self destructive, selfish, lazy and greedy), most modern music (and most modern things actually), technological errors.


Biography : Since I was a child i've always loved reading, writing and overall having words around me. Not only did I love it, I was actually pretty good at it too... Unfortunately due to the fact that you can't choose your family, I was born into a family that doesn't necessarily understand the entertainment world so during my adolescence I was lost and dropped off school to get into an electricity vocational course. Big mistake as I nowadays do not perform that profession and would very much prefer an education in literature or something else that would allow me to make a living off the things I mentioned previously. So I decided to create the Maze of Thoughts and invite three people to join me so that we'd get different perspectives and multiple subjects. 


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S02E03 - Visual Entertainment and How it Can Improve Your Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental health is a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness - the "psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioural adjustment". From the perspectives of positive psychology or of holism, mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life, and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health includes "subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, inter-generational dependence, and self-actualization of one's intellectual and emotional potential, among others." The WHO further states that the well-being of an individual is encompassed in the realization of their abilities, coping with normal stresses of life, productive work and contribution to their community. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theor...